Level Access AMP training August 8th and 9th

Level Access (formerly SSB Bart Group) will be on campus for onsite AMP training on Tuesday, August 8th and Wednesday, August 9th from 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. AMP recently updated the tool’s interface and relaunched its browser extension as ACCESS Assistant. This training will provide hands-on sessions with the AMP trainers as well as allow the opportunity for questions regarding your use and workflows with AMP. Space for this training will be limited to 30 participants and you must register to attend. We ask that you send only one or two representatives from your area. The training sessions will be recorded for access at a later date. Lunch will be provided courtesy of Strategic Communications. Please email accessibility.ua.edu if you have any questions.

WPCampus Conference Livestream July 14

Emerging Technology and Accessibility is teaming up with WebTide to host the WPCampus Conference Livestream this Friday, July 14.

The sessions will run all day, so join us as you can in Gordon Palmer Hall to take advantage of topics ranging from accessibility to analytics.

8:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.

GP A232  Every project is a story: Applying Storytelling to your client interactions

GP A204  The Canisius College Workflow: MU WordPress, Divi and MailChimp

GP A236  Don’t Push Rocks Uphill: Deploying WordPress wth Capistrano and Composer

9:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.

GP A232  Workshop: Acceptable application of analytics for your academic areas

GP A204  A Survey of WordPress Online Learning Plugins

GP A236  Them and us: Using the WordPress REST API to Display both public and private content

10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

GP A232  Workshop: Acceptable application of analytics for your academic areas

GP A204  I do(n’t) Belong Here

GP A236  Tools and Approaches for Managing Content, Accessibility and Web Identity at Scale

1:00 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.

GP A232  Workshop: Finding eternal REST: An undead guide to building JS front ends for WordPress

GP A204  Open Access Publishing and WordPress

GP A236  How to Scale WordPress Across a University

2:00 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.

GP A232  Workshop: Finding eternal REST: An undead guide to building JS front ends for WordPress

GP A204  So, you redesigned your website… Now What?

GP A236  WordPress High Performance Boosting

3:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

GP A232  Interview like a journalist, write like a marketer: Telling stories with hear… and accuracy

GP A204  Mobilizing 200 Reluctant Content Creators

GP A236  Level up Your WordPress Security

ACRL 2017 Accessibility on the Horizon

Hello from Baltimore, Maryland! This week, Rachel Thompson is joining UA Libraries’ Melissa Green for the Association of College and Research Libraries’ annual conference. Along with Vanderbilt University’s Melissa Mallon, they will present the panel, “Accessibility on the Library Horizon: The NMC Horizon Report > 2017 Library Edition”. This session examines, through the lens of accessibility, the important developments in technology presented in the latest NMC Horizon Report > Library Edition and offers a discussion of technologies on the five-year horizon for academic and research libraries, how they are expected to transform teaching and learning, and their potential to enhance and diminish accessibility and learning for students with disabilities.

Online Resources for ACRL panel

Spring 2017 Accessibility Webinars & Workshops

CIT’s Emerging Technology and Accessibility is excited to announce the spring accessibility training schedules. The webinars and workshops include:


  • Getting to know the Accessibility Management Platform (AMP) Interface Webinar
    For all UA users, learn about UA’s Accessibility Management Platform and how it can help you evaluate web sites for accessibility. 
    Thursday, February 16th 1:30-2:30 p.m. This is an online session.
  • Accessible Office Documents Webinar
    Monday, February 27th 9:00-9:45 a.m. This is an online session.
  • Alt-Text Best Practices Webinar
    Thursday, March 2nd 10:00- 10:45 a.m. This is an online session.
  • Accessible PDFs Webinar
    Wednesday, March 8th 10:00-10:45 a.m. This is an online session.
  • Accessible Blackboard Course Webinar
    Wednesday, March 29th 1:00-1:45 p.m. This is an online session.
  • Captioning Tegrity Recordings with Docsoft Webinar
    Tuesday, April 4th 2:00-3:00 p.m. This is an online session.
  • Universal Design for Learning Webinar
    Friday, April 7th 10:00-11:00 a.m. This is an online session.


  • Accessibility Management Platform (AMP) for Web Developers:
    For UA web developers, learn about UA’s Accessibility Management Platform and how it can help you evaluate web sites for accessibility.
    Monday, February 20th 10:00-11:00 p.m. in Gordon Palmer Room A232
  • Accessibility Management Platform (AMP) for Content Managers:
    For UA web content managers, learn about UA’s Accessibility Management Platform and how it can help you evaluate content for accessibility.
    Tuesday, February 21st 1:30-2:30 p.m. in Gordon Palmer Room A232
  • Accessibility Office Hours and Work Session
    Bring your web accessibility questions or evaluate a site or page.
    Friday, March 3rd 9:00-10:00 a.m. in Russell Hall Room 124

The workshops and webinars begin this week!  Webinar access information will be sent shortly before the session. For more information or to register, please visit UA’s Technology Accessibility website and navigate to the “Workshops” tab.

WPCampus Virtual Conference

The Center for Instructional Technology’s Emerging Technology and Accessibility is teaming up with WebTide to host the WPCampus Virtual Conference on Monday, January 23rd.

The sessions will run all day, so join us as you can in Gordon Palmer Hall to take advantage of topics ranging from accessibility to student engagement:

GP A232: From Moodle to WordPress – what we learnt and why we moved
GP A236: Level Up: Centralized News and WordPress

GP A232: Empathy and Accessibility for the Web
GP A236: The Case for the WordPress REST API

GP A232: Effectively manage and scale WordPress multisite and the importance of insights
GP A236: The Making of a Web Team

GP A232: Shaping User Roles for Higher Education
GP A236: Learning from Drupal: Implementing WordPress in a Drupal-Majority Institutional Environment

Programming Note
GP A232 “Room 1” sessions will migrate to A342 for the remainder of the day’s schedule.

GP A342: “Let’s just build it!”: Seven years of framework development at Boston University
GP A236: WordPress as an LMS

GP A342: Easy, Affordable Digital Signs with WordPress
GP A236: The Magic of Teaching Using WordPress: 10+ Ways to Easily Transform Classes & Excite Students

GP A342: Showing up: learning how to make a contribution
GP A236: Spoonful of Content Sugar – Reducing Friction in Subject Matter Expert Participation

GP A342: Higher Ed WordPress Showcase
GP A236: Site Directories and Member Profiles: A Custom Post Type Story

Discover more details about the WPCampus session programming by visiting their website at https://online.wpcampus.org/.

Making Accessible PDFs

Check out our friends at the UA Teaching Hub!

Nathan Loewen and Miyoshi Juergensen teamed up to create a fantastic guide to making accessible PDFs. Check it out!
